
Oh, the hypocrisy, I hear some of you cry. All this talk about eliminating individualism, yet now we are to be evaluated? Does not that inevitably elevate one above another? And does not that send us sliding down the same slippery slope towards despotism that you so passionately railed against?!
First of all, nice manifesto playback. But relax, this evaluation is not a beauty contest. This is about whether you understand and are accurately representing the artistic and spiritual principles of our movement. Do that and you'll be fine.
Basically the quiz questions are worth 50% and the design activity is worth 50%. Explore the rubric for details.
Individualism versus Non-conformity
As long as we're on the subject of accused hypocrisy, I want your take on one final matter. Our movement was about eliminating the individualistic impulse of the artist in pursuit of something more universal. Yet in doing so, our movement created very distinctive, "individualized" art. That Rietveld house sticks out like a sore thumb in Utrecht. Some see that as a contradiction. What do you think?
To do: Answer question 10 in the webquest quiz. There's no right or wrong answer.
After you've done that. Check out this monogram I designed for fellow De Stijlist & architect Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud (talk about a name begging for a monogram!), and then let's jump to some not so rash Conclusions.

oud monogram
Photo credit: Wikipedia