This activity is targeted to EdTech students and is designed to reinforce an understanding of basic graphic design principles. Assignment is optimally completed with a mobile device.
In a world of visual stimulus overload, good design is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Good design gets noticed and creates positive associations. Bad design does just the opposite.
In this assignment, you will use your mobile device and the DropEvent service to help create a collaborative photo journal of both good and bad design seen in your hometown.
Step 1: Review "CRAP" principles...
...with this short video that depicts the core design concepts outlined in Robin Williams' Non-Designer’s series of books -- namely, Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.
Step 2: Start Snapping Photos
Armed with your mobile phone camera, spend about an hour in your hometown in search of design DOs and DON’Ts. Any medium is fair game – signs, menus, objects, gardens – use your imagination. Grab a photo of anything you like. Or dislike.
Step 3: Upload Your Favorites
Individually e-mail three photos of both good and bad design (six in total) to the appropriate link below. The title of your e-mail will become your caption, so include your last name, what the picture is and why it’s good or bad (e.g., Pennella; Restaurant menu; Good repetition, contrast, proximity makes for attractive layout. Yum!)
You'll likely need a desktop (or at least a tablet) for this step. Take one of your three "bad" examples, re-design it in a design or slideshow program (same size, please) and e-mail it to create our crowning "Once crap, now CRAP" gallery:
Reply to my anonymous, open ended poll with your suggestions for building or improving upon this assignment for future classes. First, text "Pennella" to 37607. Then text your suggestion.