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Learner Description
This activity is targeted to EdTech students and is designed to reinforce an understanding of basic graphic design principles. Assignment is optimally completed with a mobile device.


In a world of visual stimulus overload, good design is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Good design gets noticed and creates positive associations. Bad design does just the opposite.

In this assignment, you will use your mobile device and the DropEvent service to help create a collaborative photo journal of both good and bad design seen in your hometown.


Step 1: Review "CRAP" principles...

...with this short video that depicts the core design concepts outlined in Robin Williams' Non-Designer’s series of books -- namely, Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.

Step 2: Start Snapping Photos

Armed with your mobile phone camera, spend about an hour in your hometown in search of design DOs and DON’Ts. Any medium is fair game – signs, menus, objects, gardens – use your imagination. Grab a photo of anything you like. Or dislike.
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Step 3: Upload Your Favorites

Individually e-mail three photos of both good and bad design (six in total) to the appropriate link below. The title of your e-mail will become your caption, so include your last name, what the picture is and why it’s good or bad (e.g., Pennella; Restaurant menu; Good repetition, contrast, proximity makes for attractive layout. Yum!)
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Step 4: Explore Design Books via Goodreads

Start with the two YouTube references via :
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Step 5: Apply CRAP!

You'll likely need a desktop (or at least a tablet) for this step. Take one of your three "bad" examples, re-design it in a design or slideshow program (same size, please) and e-mail it to create our crowning "Once crap, now CRAP" gallery:

Step 6: Peruse Our Final Collections

See the difference CRAP principles can make!
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Step 7: Improve This Lesson!

Reply to my anonymous, open ended poll with your suggestions for building or improving upon this assignment for future classes. First, text "Pennella" to 37607. Then text your suggestion.

And remember...

Good design stands out

image credit (poster): keithydee, Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)